Friday, September 4, 2009

Steven's Directory - There is no such thing

This evening I got a call from 'Steven's Directory'. The thick Indian accent on the other end was quoting my old address to me and asking me to "confirm your complimentary listing in our business directory".

I don't think so.

"Who are you again please?", I asked. She repeated 'Steven's Directory' as I googled it but nothing specific to Steven's Directory was listed - odd for a business directory these days, no?

I asked her to spell out Steven's to make sure I was looking it up right and she revealed that they don't have a website! This really go me suspicious.

I asked her if I would be getting a copy of the directory that I'll be appearing in and she said, "No, but they are available in most bookstores". Hmm... again, suss.

I refused to give me new address. She hung up.

The only online information I could find on Steven's Directory was on another blog here (thanks)

"All they are doing is confirming your information so they can onsell it to other Telemarketers as current, up to date, suckers.

Nuff said.